Remote Web Desktop

Remote manage and control your Android device in web browser!
Simple and powerful web desktop enable you remotely manage & control your Android device from a web browser over any WiFi/4G/3G/2G/USB connection.
# Why Remote Web Desktop
1. Comfortable: wireless manage your phone with the comfortable keyboard and mouse.
2. Wireless: fully support all WiFi/4G/3G/2G connections with embedded network bridge, even your mobile carrier doesn’t provide a public IP for you.
3. Pure web: don’t need install any client on your computer side.
4. USB support: provide usb connection tools for MAC/Linux/Windows.
5. Full featured: most common features were finished, many new features are coming soon.
Remote Web Desktop-1
# Features
* Desktop SMS
Send, read, forward and delete SMS messages. Support long SMS, group messages and fake SMS. Partial support sending MMS.
* File Explorer
Manage all files (photo, music, videos, APK …) on SD card, transfer files & folders between phone and computer. Support multiple upload by drag-and-drop (for HTML 5 browser).
* Gallery Viewer
Preview and slide show phone photos.
* Media Player
Enable you play video/audio on phone side or web desktop side.
* FTP Server
Sync files and folders between phone and computer quickly, manage SD card files in Windows File Explorer, browser or FTP client.
* WiFi Keyboard
Type on your phone using your computer’s keyboard.
* Webcam (2.2+)
Turns your phone into a wireless camera, support both front face and back camera.
* Screen Capture
Take the screen shot and view it in web browser, easier than do it on phone side. Works for both rooted or non-rooted devices.
* Contact Manager (2.0+)
Group, search, create, delete, edit contacts, call log.
* Remote Call
Make a call from computer side.
* Shared Clipboard
Share clipboard text between PC and phone.
* Wallpaper Utils
Set phone wallpaper by upload a picture or online picture.
* APK Web Installer
Backup apps to SD card, and install APK through the File Explorer.
* Personal Web Server
Serve your personal web pages on your phone.
* Logcat
View android logs in web browser, a useful tool for Android developers.
* Terminal Emulator
Remotely access Android’s built-in Linux command line shell through web browser.
* Notes Editor
Create and edit text file on your SD card, you can make a note shortcut on phone screen for it.
Provide 512, 1024 bits RSA encrypt.
* Network Bridge
Support all internet connections (2G/3G/4G/WiFi), even you don’t have a public IP, you still can access your phone at any place.
* Remote Control (Rooted)
Remotely control your Android within your computer. Including mouse & keyboard emulation.
# Online Guide
# About Permissions & Security
It requires many permissions just because those features require them, we don’t install any spy code in any our apps and don’t collect any data from your device.

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Going Beyond

Sometimes you have to go beyond. Go beyond the norm. What you usually do. What your friends think. What your family says you should be doing. What society says is the right way for you to live your life. Sometimes you have to go beyond the point of no return.
You have to start something. Commit yourself. Jump into the unknown. Take a risk. And make something happen.
Sometimes you need to have your heart race, your palms sweat, and your logical mind scream, “You’re crazy!”
Sometimes you need to be pushed past your limits. Forced to go beyond what you thought you could be, do or have. Where every atom of your being feels like it’s going to split apart and you’ll be left in a million little pieces.
And when you do go beyond, when you cross that invisible threshold within your mind, you’ll thank yourself.
What do you need to go beyond?

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12 Steps To Set and Achieve Any Goal

’ve noticed that there are 12 keys to making sure that you achieve your goals.
  1. Have a Burning Desire: What Do You Really Want?
  2. Believe That Your Goal Is Attainable
  3. Write Down Your Goals
  4. Determine Your Starting Point
  5. Figure Out Why You Want It
  6. Set Yourself A Deadline To Achieve Your Goal
  7. Identify the Obstacles In Your Way
  8. Determine the Additional Knowledge and Skills You Need
  9. Find Some People Who Can Help You
  10. Make A Plan: Put All the Pieces Together
  11. Visualize Your Goal: Not Only The End But The Steps In Between
  12. Never Give Up
I know it may look like a lot of things to do right now but in the end it’s worth it. Getting clear on your goals and creating a plan to reach those goals isn’t great but it’ll fast track you to success.

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Daring to Dream


10 Keys to Achieving Your Dreams

It takes a lot of courage, a big heart and a dash of insanity to go for your dreams. But every truly happy person that I know is doing what they love. Be it as a career or as a business.
Daring to dream again is no easy task. It’s not like we’re taught how to do it in school. I’m not sure about you but I was taught to be a good little worker bee. Nothing wrong with worker bees. We need them. They’re essential to life and for you to succeed in business. Some people are just designed that way. But that’s not the type of person that visits this site. Dreamers, achievers and people who are interested in success for life stop by here for inspiration, tactics and tips to turn their dreams into realities.
It’s a winding road to unleashing your dreams. And I don’t ever remember anyone sitting me down and asking, “What’s the dream for your life Ian?”
It had to be revealed to me. Bit by bit. Piece by piece. I had to be ready to finally get the message. And once I heard it nothing has been the same.
Cloning Paulo Coelho I could say, “The soul of the universe is always speaking to us. We just have to listen.”
So for those of us who are ready to answer the call – this post is for you. To help inspire you to your ultimate success. To push you past your personal boundaries. And I hope that these 10 keys will help you turn your dreams into realities. Giving you the fire and strength you need to start to unleash your own passionate genius.

1) Have Big Dreams
Have the courage and strength to allow yourself to dream big. Big dreams keep pushing you forward. They lift you up and inspire you to be better.
2) Believe In Your Dreams
Have complete confidence that you CAN achieve your dreams. Belief in yourself inspires the action necessary to bring your dreams to life.
3) Dream With Effortless Ease
Go with the flow. Be receptive so that you can seize the opportunities that will present themselves to you.
4) Find The Wisdom In Failure
Don’t fear failure. Get out there and start making mistakes. It’s OK. Allow yourself to learn as you go.
5) Unleash Your Potential
Follow your heart. Don’t keep up with the Jones’. As Maslow said, “Be oblivious of the good opinion of others.” Do what makes you happy.
6) As Within So Without
Visualize and feel your dreams into existence each and everyday.
7) Invest In Inspiration
My Mom asked me if a book that cost $30 was expensive and I had to explain to her that for thirty dollars she was about to receive 20 years of this person’s wisdom and experience. Seemed like a good deal to me. Invest in yourself. Read, learn, grow and repeat.
8) Be Spontaneous & Have Fun
Your dreams don’t drain you of energy. If they do, guess what, they’re not really your dreams and it’s time to change them. Have fun, work hard and connect with others.
9) Have a Plan
Any good idea needs a plan to bring it to fruition. Take the time to plan. Have goals and take inspired action.
10) Create a Success Nexus
Steer clear of dream stealers and unbelievers. If they’re not building you up then they’re tearing you down. Seek out successful people and hang around them. Ask people that are wiser or have more experience than you for help.
Do you have a dream?
If you could do anything what would it be?
Give yourself permission to dream again.
Dare to dream…

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Keys To Success by Steve Jobs

Everyone’s looking for a magic bullet to propel them to success. But success is no easy road. It’s not even a straight line. Success is a tricky matter. Hard to pin down. Not that easy to define. Have you even thought about what success means for you?
Success can mean a lot of different things depending on who you ask.
So why not ask for the keys to success from someone who’s REALLY successful?
Someone like Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. One of the biggest success stories of the last decade.
Well I didn’t get a chance to interview Steve personally but I did come across an interesting bit of advice that he had given outlining five keys that lead to success.
“Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drowned your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” Steve Jobs
Let’s look at these success strategies a little deeper…

5 Keys To Success

You’re Running Out of Time – Use It Wisely
Steve Jobs channels Buddhist monks from all over the world for this piece of advice. We barely ever really think about how little time we have on this planet. That within a blink of an eye everything could be gone.
The Buddha recognized this fact and used it as one of his motivations for enlightenment.
Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come.
Start right now, in this instance, to work on your success.
Dreaming of it. Crafting it. Creating it.
Don’t wait for the kids to go off to college, the stars to align, or until everything is just right.
Don’t Live Someone Else’s Life
If you truly buy into Steve’s first key to success. Or you’ve recently had tea with the Dalai Lama and he swayed you to the dark side of realizing that we all have a fixed amount of time, then why would you waste it living someone else’s life.
You’ve got dreams of your own. They may have been beaten into silence, but you know they’re still there. Waiting patiently for you to remember them. To nurture them. And have the courage to share them with the world.
Break Free From Dogma
According to wikipedia: “Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed.”
I don’t mean to come back to Buddha, but he had this to say about Dogma, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
Is Steve Jobs Buddhist?
He seems to be really channeling him so far.
Have the courage to be yourself.
What are your dreams?
What do you want?
What make YOU happy?
Dive deep into the mystery and miracle of who you are. There’s never going to be another person like you on the face of this planet. EVER.
Think about that for a second. Embrace it. And get on out there and discover who you are.
Ignore Other People’s Opinions
Abraham Maslow said that the happiest people are the ones that are, “Oblivious of the good opinions of others.”
Now I don’t think Mr. Jobs is saying to steer clear of wise council. It’s good to have other people perspective on things. And I’m sure that apple has a lot of geniuses, clairvoyants and witch doctors to help Mr. Jobs divine the future.
But there’s a lot of people out there who will tell you that it can’t be done. Or you’re not the right person for the job. Or some other form of baloney.
Thank them for their concern and keep pressing on with your dreams.
Listen and ask for the opinions of people who have more experience than you. But keep far away from dream stealer’s.
Follow Your Heart
So often we choose to ignore the “still small voice within.” We get that gut feeling. We know something is up.
We hear our dreams calling out to us but for whatever reason we suppress them, ignore them, and shove them down deep inside.
Maybe we’re trying to keep up with Jones’. Maybe we buy into the “get a good job, keep your head down, and work hard” story they sell us in school.
Whatever the reason the truth is when we stuff those dreams away and lock them deep within our hearts we suffer.
Silently we ache. An agony most of us take quietly to our graves.
The only cure is to dream again. To follow our hearts. To go where life is calling you. To run through fields of wide open possibility.
A quote I love and have adapted slightly from Frederick Buechner is, “Success is found through marrying the worlds deep hunger with your hearts deep gladness.”
It’s no wonder that Steve Jobs has been successful.
So what do you want to be successful at?

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Have you ever wanted to hide folders in your phone? If yes,there here is very interesting solution for you to hide folders in your phone and youdont even need any software for that.
This trick can be used for any JAVA phone from Nokia,Samsung,Motorola,LG or any other company.
  1. Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that is to be hidden.
  2. Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as IMG.jad
  3. Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of .jar So, I would create the folder with the name IMG.jar
  4. And thats it!! My orignal images folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with.jar extension is visible which is empty.So,my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes.

To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with .jad will become visible.
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Location-based Alerts on your Android

Setting location based reminders is very  simple in android. The app is integrated with Google Maps and you can just tap a location on the map to set a reminder when you are around that place.
You can  create one-time alerts or  configure it to repeat on particular days

How do you locate your mobile phone if the ringer is off? Maybe you switched the phone to vibrate mode while you were in a meeting and now you dont find it .
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use other  phone  to turn on the ringer of your missing phone?
Here is an app for it
Agastya, a new Android app that lets you “remotely” perform various tasks on your phone from any other phone via simple SMS commands. The other phone, that is sending the commands, need not be running Android – even the basic Nokia phone would do.

 The workflow is very  easy. You send an SMS command from a friend’s phone to your own phone in a given format and the app reacts accordingly.
For example, a command like “ringer” would turn on the ringer while “silent” would put the phone to silent mode.
The best feature of this app is it  helps you retrieve your missed calls list or your incoming text messages via, you got it right, SMS.
Here’s a complete list of SMS commands that you can try on your Android phone:

  • SILENT – Turn off the phone’s ringer
  • RINGER – Turn on the ringer
  • IMEI – Get the IMEI number* of your phone
  • LAST MESSAGES – Retrieve the last 5 text messages received on your phone
  • LAST CALLS – Know the last 5 missed/received/dialed numbers
  • <CONTACT> – Fetch the contact number of a person from the address book.

Agastay isn’t the first app that offers such features.
The more popular Where’s My Droid app can not only turn on the ringer of your phone remotely but will also send you the phone’s current GPS location by SMS. There’s overlap but these apps are more inclined towards locating your lost phone while Agastay is like a command console – you can toggle between phone states or even fetch details of a contact remotely from the phone’s address book. The IMEI feature is also handy for blacklisting your misplaced phone
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Best Meta Tags Analyzer

The easy tool to analyze your entire websites "Meta Tags" in few seconds. Find the useful information to optimize website or blogger blog. It will surely help you to decide
which key words are best for your website or blogger blog. The Meta Tag Analyzer give you the right perspective to enhance the search engine visibility after analyzing your website or blogger blog.

Meta Tag Analyzer

Check your meta tags!




User Agent * (optional)

Please enter the access code as displayed above.

Access code

Online Meta Tag Analyzer
provide by SEOCentro.
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15 Best Wordpress plugins to optimze Website

Plugins are the scripts (Software components) to enhance or add the capabilities of such software applications (If supported in the software). Plug-ins are intended to modify the functionality of an application. They commonly used in the browsers to display videos, download files, view weather reports, synchronizing bookmarks and many more. They are also widely used now in the web applications for enhancement, optimization, SEO, Mailing lists and many more.
  1. All in one SEO pack Out-of-the-box SEO for your Wordpress blog. Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization). by Michael Torbert.
  2. W3 Total Cache fastest and most complete WordPress performance plugin. Dramatically improve site performance and user experience via caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support. Add browser, page, object and database caching as well as minify and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress. By Frederick Townes.
  3. Ultimate Google Analytics Image representing Google Analytics as depicte...Image via CrunchBaseEnable Google Analytics on your blog. Plugin to add Google Analytics JavaScript to each page on your weblog without making any changes to your template. The plugin can also add tracking to outbound links, downloads from your own site and mailto: links. The plugin is highly configurable. Read trough the list of features below to get a feeling of what this plugin can do. You can enable and disable all features individually, although the default configuration will suffice for 90% of the users. By Wilfred van der Deijl.
  4. Google XML Sitemaps with Multisite support: This plugin will generate a improved special XML sitemap which will help search engines to better index your blog. It can create sitemap for each your site and link it in robots.txt file. NOW WITH MULTISITE SUPPORT. By Mario Kostelac.
  5.  Pie Register: Enhance your Registration Page. Add Custom Logo, Password Field, Invitation Codes, Disclaimer, Captcha Validation, Email Validation, User Moderation, Profile Fields, Charge User fees through Paypal and more. By Johnibom
  6. Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of Supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features previously only available to users.
  7. SEO Slugs: The SEO Slugs WordPress plugin removes common words like 'a', 'the', 'in', 'what', 'can' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization.For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "What You Can Do Immediately For Higher Rankings", WordPress automatically assigns a long filename to your post, called a post slug: /what-you-can-do-immediately-for-higher-ranking SEO Slugs plugin strips common words like "what", "you" or "can" out of your post slug to make it more search engine friendly. With SEO Slugs plugin activated, the slug for our example blog post would look like this: /immediately-higher-rankings. The slug is generated on saving a post (so you get a chance to look at it before publishing, and change it), or on publish. It won't overwrite an existing slug. You can force a new slug generation by deleting the existing one. 
  8. WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects, when viewed from iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Palm Pre, Samsung touch and BlackBerry Storm/Torch mobile devices.
  9.  Add Google +1 official button to your WordPress blog to let visitors recommend your pages right in Google search results without having to leave the page. Place anywhere on your template.By Onnay Okheng
  10. NextGen Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with dozens of options and features including slideshow option. Before I started writing the plugin I studied all the existing image and gallery plugins for WordPress. Some of them are really good and well designed, but the gap I filled was a simple administration system at the back end which can also handle multiple galleries. By alexrabe 
  11. Post video players, slideshow albums, photo galleries and music / podcast playlist post your videos, photo galleries/flash slideshows easily and in seconds. One professional plugin for all your multi-media needs.
  12. Handy Functions allows you to add and configure the functions that you would normally add to your functions.php file, all in your WordPress backend. 
  13. Sexy Bookmarks Image representing SexyBookmarks as depicted i...Image via CrunchBaseadds an attractive social bookmarking menu to your posts, pages, index, or any combination of the three. Though the name may be a little "edgy" for some, SexyBookmarks has proven time and time again to be an extremely useful and successful tool in getting your readers to actually submit your articles to numerous social bookmarking sites. By shareaholic
  14. Mail From allows you to change the default email address that WordPress sends it's email from, and the name of the sender that the email is from. It's as simple as that. By hami 
  15. Simple Facebook Connect is a series of plugins that let you add any sort of Facebook Connect functionality you like to a WordPress blog. This lets you have an integrated site without a lot of coding, and still letting you customize it exactly the way you'd like
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Some time an error occurs while you are using XP. A little dialogue box appears asking if you want to send report to Microsoft for this accident or not? Mostly when we press the button “Don’t send” The software we are using, turns off and we do not get any chance to save our working data. You can solve this problem simply and after this process you will not see this error box again. Just follow these steps. 

Right click on “My computer” and click on ‘Properties”
On system properties dialogue box click on ‘advance tab”
Click on the error reporting button.
Click on “Disable error reporting”
It’s better for you to Place checkmark on “But notify me when critical errors occurs”
Now click Ok.
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Windows XP Secrets


Notepad Secrets

Create a log

  1. Open Notepad
  2. On the very first line, type in ".LOG" (without quotes) then press Enter for a new line
  3. Now you can type in some text if you want, then save the file.
  4. Next time when you open the file, notice its contents. Notepad automatically adds a time/date log everytime you open the file.
Text becomes unreadable
  1. Open Notepad
  2. On the very first line, type in "dont eat the donut" (without quotes) then save and close the file. Note: the file should have only one line of the text above.
  3. Now, open the same file. You'll notice the text becomes unreadable squares. (try this with different text with the same format and length). 

Paint Secrets
Create a trail image

  1. Open Paint, then open an image.
  2. Right-click on the image and select "Select All"
  3. Now hold the "Shift" key and move the image around. The image will be drawn with trail.
10x Zoom
  1. Open Paint, then open a small image.
  2. Select the zoom "Magnifier" tool.
  3. Windows Paint lists out the zoom options from 1x to 8x, but there is a 10x...
  4. After selecting the Magnifier tool, point the mouse right at the border line right under "8x" and left-click. There you go.. the hidden 10x. 

Game Secrets

Solitaire: Instant Win

  1. Press Alt + Shift + 2 to instantly win
Solitaire: Draw only 1 card (instead of 3)
  1. Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift then click on unopen cards to draw.
FreeCell: Instant Win
  1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 while playing, then click Abort.
  2. Now move one card.
FreeCell: Hidden Game Modes
  1. Go to "Game" menu choose "Select Game"
  2. Here you can choose from game mode 1 to 1,000,000. But -1 and -2 will also work (hidden modes)
Hearts: Show All Card
    Warning! this requires a modification on your registry. Be sure you follow the steps carefully. Damage your registry might damage your Windows.
  1. Open the "Registry Editor" by: "Start" >> "Run" then type "regedit" and press Enter
  2. Expand to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts
  3. Right-click on the right panel and create a new String value with the name "ZB"
  4. Double-click to open this key "ZB" to edit its value. Then enter "42" and close the Registry Editor.
  5. Start Hearts and Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 to show all the cards
Minesweeper: Stop The Timer
  1. When you start to play a new game, the timer is ticking...
  2. Press Windows Key + D to show desktop.
  3. Now come back to the game by selecting it from the taskbar. The timer is stopped.
  1. Unlimited Balls: Type bmax at a new game to get unlimited balls (no notification).
  2. Extra Balls: Type 1max at a new game to get extra balls.
  3. Gravity Well: Type gmax at a new game to activate Gravity Well.
  4. Promotion: Type rmax at a new game or while playing to get instant promotion and raising rank.
  5. Extra points with partial shots: Partially shot the ball just to pass the yellow light bars. There are 6 bars. With the first bar, you'll get 15,000 points, 2nd: 30,000,...
  6. Extra points with partial shots: Partially shot the ball just to pass the yellow light bars. There are 6 bars. With the first bar, you'll get 15,000 points, 2nd: 30,000,...
  7. Test Mode: Type hidden test with a new ball or new game. Now you can use your mouse to drag and move the ball where you want.
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How to Download Desired Torrent file with IDM! [High Speed]

Downlaod Desired (preferred) Bit-torrent computer file with IDM!! [High Speed]
Steps to Follow:
a) First of all , you have to download the torrent file with the extension .torrent which you wish to download...!
b). Then open up the browser page and go to and post the torrent computer file that you have just downloaded and click on the cache button..,,!
c). This provides you with a new torrent computer file . You just have to copy the address (url) of the new torrent computer file from the newly opened up browser window..,,..!
d). Then visit to the web page these days) or (preferable) or make an user account (in case you do not have one) and sign in to your Account. Then paste the address(url) of the new torrent acquired in step (c) and push the Get Button.,.,,...!
e) Now you will get the list of available Downloadable Files present in that torrent computer file. Then press on the begin bittorrent transmission button. This will provide full choice to download the desired file. Just press on any weblink and you can see the Internt download manager-IDM coming out for downloading the computer file.,.,.!!
Have a awesome dayy,,,,now enjoy downloading with IDM for donwloading torrents files as well…!!!

You can download directly from the without using any  torrent client (but it would not be through IDM )...
Visit the above mentioned website search the content and download it as shown in the image below..

Latest Way:--->>>
You can download it using Internet Download Manager. Yes, but how?
1. Go first to this site.
Go Here-
Then you have to register, click on Sign Up
2. In front of “Ident”, type your username
In front of “email”, type, you guess what, your email, a valid one!
Then enter the capcha and click on “Create my Account”
3. They will send you an email with your password. In French the password is called “mot de passe”. The password they give to you is a chain of letters and numbers. Copy this password and go back to the website. Click on My Account and just log in with youremail and the password.
4. Once you are log in, a page with your information is displayed. Click on my downloads. That’s where you are going to put your torrent file to be downloaded on their website. First you have to download the link of the file you want, to your computer. Go to any torrent website, for example Thepiratebay.organd download the link (it should look like this:
Save it somewhere. Go back to the website, you are still on the page of downloads. Click on “Browse”, find your saved file and click on . You are done! When the torrent is readyto be downloaded you will see “completed” in front of you torrent. Click on your torrent you will open a page with the link to download at the end of the page under yourfiles, just right click the link and download with idm! You can resume the download for 48 hours.
Credits to awinahe of Symbianize of Zit Torrent
Note: ZbigZ, Zitorrent and Bitlet.orgare the same in tricks.

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connect two COMPUTERS in LAN

1To create a LAN network using a crossover cable, we just need a crossover (Cross crimped RJ45 / CAT5) cable and a LAN (Ethernet) card in both computers. Most computer motherboards have onboard ethernet these days.
We refer to the 2 computers as P1 and P2.
For P1
1. Just right-click “My Computer” and click Properties.
2. Select the “Computer Name” tab and click the “Change” button.
3. Change the computer name to whatever you want, here i name it P1. Change the workgroup to WG. (The workgroup name should be the same in both computers)
4. Click OK.
Now, to configure the TCP/IP connection settings,
1. Goto “Control Panel” >> “Network connections”
2. Right-click on your LAN connection and click “Properties”. In the “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”. Click the “Properties” button.
3. Set the Values
IP Address –
Subnet Mask –
Default Gateway –
4. Click OK and you are done for P1
For P2
1. Just right-click “My Computer” and click Properties.
2. Select the “Computer Name” tab and click the “Change” button.
3. Change the computer name to P2. Change the workgroup to WG. (The workgroup name should be the same in both computers)
4. Click OK.
Now, to configure the TCP/IP connection settings,
1. Goto “Control Panel” >> “Network connections”
2. Right-click on your LAN connection and click “Properties”. In the “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”. Click the “Properties” button.
3. Set the Values
IP Address –
Subnet Mask –
Default Gateway –
4. Click OK and you are done for P2 as well.
Now the computers will have detected each other. If they don’t, just restart both the computers.

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Learn how to share printer

Sharing a printer is the same as sharing a folder on the network.
1. Click on Start then control panel.
2. Then click on Printer and faxes.
3. Right click on the printer , you want to use and select properties.
4. Then sharing and share this folder. Set the shared name for the printer. This shared name will be accessed by the other computer on the network and your printer is now shared.

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Motivational Thoughts

If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
St. Clement of Alexandra

 Dream big and dare to fail.

Norman Vaughan
We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day.
Thornton Wilder
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.
Johann Gottfried Von Herder
And all may do what has by man been done.
Edward Young
Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.
Samuel Smiles
Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.
If the wind will not serve,
take to the oars.
Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe
Latin Proverb
Men's best successes come after their disappointments.
Henry Ward Beecher
You cannot plough a field by
turning it over in your mind.
Author Unknown
The best way out is always through.
Robert Frost
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
William B. Sprague
Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
Samuel Johnson
Fortune favors the brave.
Publius Terence
When the best things are not possible, the best may be made of those that are. - Richard Hooker
He who hesitates is lost.
If you want to succeed in the world must make your own opportunities as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time a coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until some one comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence.
John B. Gough
An oak is not felled at one blow.
Spanish Proverb
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein
Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.
Orison Swett Marden
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We are still masters of our fate.
We are still captains of our souls.
Winston Churchill
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Reach perfection.
Baltasar Gracián
For hope is but the dream
of those that wake.
Matthew Prior
Constant dripping hollows out a stone.
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.

Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom.
They can because they think they can.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself.
Theodore T. Hunger
We are all motivated by a keen desire for praise, and the better a man is, the more he is inspired to glory.
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Loyd Wright
The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.
Elbert Hubbard
There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way. 

Christopher Morley
Success is the child of audacity.
Benjamin Disraeli
Failures to heroic minds are the stepping stones to success.
Thomas Chandler Haliburton
The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.
Aristotle Onassis
The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: common-sense and perseverance.
Owen Feltham
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Vince Lombardi

Everyone has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases.
Jeremy Collier

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is: Try to please everybody.
Herbert Bayard Swope
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Install Windows Very Quickly

  • Boot through Windows XP CD.
  • After all the files are completely loaded, you get the option to select the partition. Select “c”.
  • Now Format the partition, whether it is normal or quick with NTFS or FAT
  • Once the formatting is completed, All the setup files required for installation are copied.Restart your system by pressing Enter.Now, here begins the Simple trick to save 10-15 minutes.
  • After rebooting, you get a screen where it takes 40 minutes to complete or finalize the OS installation.
  • Now, Press SHIFT + F10 Key -> This opens command prompt.
  • Type “Taskmgr” and press enter. This will open Task Manager.
  • Click the Process Tab, here we find a process Setup.exe. Right Click on Setup.exe and Set Priority -> Select High or Above Normal. Initially it will be Normal

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how to lock folder without any software

With this trick, you can create a secure password protected folder in Windows which no one except you can access. To use this trick, follow the instructions given below:-
  • 1.  Open Notepad.
  • 2.  Copy and paste the exact code given below:-

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End
  • 3.  Click on the File Menu. Click on Save As.
  • 4.  Select All Types (or all files) in the Save As Type dropdown menu. Save the file as *.bat or Locker.bat 
After creating the file, double click on the Saved file. A new folder will be created. Enter your data in the folder. Again, double click on the batch file. Type Y and press Enter. The folder will be hidden from view.

To re-view your folder, double click on the saved batch file. Enter password as 
" " without quotes ("") and press Enter key. This is also the default password. Your folder will be visible again.

To change the default password, edit the part of the code given in blue and enter your own password.

The overall usability of this trick can be improved by deleting the batch file after hiding your folder and re-creating it when you wish to access your folder again.

If you face any problem using this trick, you can write a comment and I will do my best to help you.

: This works on Windows 7, Windows XP and Vista. First try this on useless data to be sure and then only hide your personal data.
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How To Genrate Thousand Of Genuine Email ids

Hi, here I am once again, with a new trick about How to generate 1000's of genuine e-mail id's with in 5 to 10 minutes , all you have to do is just follow these simple steps  . its up to you that how you want to use them . So be careful about it.  :-)
Requirements :-
  •  Go to, click on "Search settings" in the top right corner and change the number of results to display "100" per page, now click on Save preferences.
  • Now in  the search bar type a keyword(s) and the e-mail extension in speech marks For example :- xyz"" What it will do is search for web-pages that contain Gmail e-mail adresses and that are also related  with your keyword. The speech marks around "" make sure that "" is on every web page that is a result of the search.
    • You can also search single websites for e-mail adresses as shown on the example :- "" The  example shown above will search the whole of for"" email adresses. 
  • Now With your results in focus, click the arrow at the side of the AutoPager icon as shown in the picture below. Then goto "Immediately load > All pages" .as shown in screenshot. With your search results still in focus, scroll all the way down and AutoPager should load the next page of results onto the same  page you are currently on. Keep scrolling till all pages have loaded onto the samepage.

  • Press "ctrl + a" to select all of the pages then press "ctrl + c" to copy the results. With the results still in the clipboard (Still copied) go to or Click here  . Paste your results into the first box which says "1. Put text with email addresses here:" and just click on Start Extracting Emails Button on top of that box. The settings should already be correct with "unique emails" and "sortticked" So no need to Touch that option. 
  • The e-mail adresses should show in the Results box (3rd box)  almost instantly.
  • Now copy the results from the results box paste them into Notepad. Sometimes the e-mail address seem to end in ".com." instead of just".com" so in notepad go to "Edit > Replace" and in the "Find what" text-box type ".com." without the  speech marks("") in the "Replace with" textbox type".com" , without the speech marks.

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Cloud Storage: 5 Alternatives, What's in It for You?


Although there are many more options out there, some serving specific niches, we've hand-picked what arguably are the most high-profile and consumer-friendly cloud storage services currently out. We took them for a spin to see how well they stack against each other, first with a brief overview on the table below and later in better detail, with impressions and commentary to give you a better idea of which one may fit your needs best.
Dropbox Google Drive iCloud SkyDrive SugarSync
Free storage 2GB 5GB 5GB 7GB
(25GB limited time offer)
Additional storage (price per year) 50GB ($99);
100GB ($199)
25GB ($30);
100GB ($60)
10GB ($20);
20GB ($40);
50GB ($100)
20GB ($10);
50GB ($25);
100GB ($50)
30GB ($50);
60GB ($100);
100GB ($150)
File size limit 300MB via browser, unlimited from desktop 10GB 25MB free accounts, 250MB paid users 2GB
Desktop apps Windows, OS X, Linux Windows, OS X Windows, OS X Windows, OS X Windows, OS X
Mobile apps iOS, Android, BlackBerry Android, iOS iOS Windows Phone, iOS iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone
Web interface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Version tracking Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Multiple folder sync No No No Sort of Yes
Sync over LAN Yes No Yes No No
Stream to mobile Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Public sharing Yes Yes No Yes Yes
File/folder collaboration Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Password protect file sharing No No No No Yes

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Make Firefox look like (the old) Netscape

Many of you probably remember the earlier days of the web when the browser dominance wars took place between Netscape (which enjoyed a majority share) and Internet Explorer.
One of the many things I remember is how I used to prefer Netscape which was a more elegant browser and hands down the better overall program on its early versions. It wasn’t until years later that IE took over while Netscape remained stagnant and slowly faded away.
It was all about 28.8k modems and the eternal wait that took for opening graphic-intensive sites. You actually had enough time to go get some something from the fridge, or just stare at the beautiful “loading” buttons…
netscape static throbber netscape animated throbber 2
So… if you are anything like me, you may want to skin your fully-stable and secure Firefox browser to look like the old Netscape.
Because Firefox is completely skinnable and there’s a huge community behind it, you won’t even have to mess around with any files, I picked the three best Netscape themes from the official add-on site for you to try out:
  • Foxscape: This is by far my favourite, resembles the looks of the old Netscape 4.8 that uses the throbber (loading) buttons you see above.
  • Modern Aluminum: This is a port of Netscape 7.x, all silver buttons with a more subtle look.
  • Netstripe: This is a new official skin developed by the guys behind the new Netscape 9 beta browser. It’s a very nice green-ish theme, and a good excuse not to try the actual Netscape 9 browser that also uses the Mozilla (Firefox) code as a base.
While we are on the topic, I wanted to share another tip on customizing Firefox. You can also change (only) the throbber (that is the name given to the “loading” circle displayed by default on Firefox). You can create your own JPEG/GIF files and tell Firefox to use those instead. Here is a good guide on how to do that and yet another link for an already coded add-on that adds a spinning Firefox logo.

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Cleartype font smoothing using Remote Desktop Connection

If you rely on a remote connection client to get access to your files at the office or from your home, chances are you have probably tried using the client built-in into Windows called Remote Desktop Connection (also Terminal Services Client).
Personally, I don’t like opening up my main PC to the Internet but only to those computers on my local LAN (which only I use). So I use RDC to access my desktop when I’m in bed or somewhere else around the house using my laptop. The biggest gripe of using RDC (which has been way improved since Windows 2000 days) was that I couldn’t use any font smoothing (Cleartype in Windows) so reading documents or browsing the web on an LCD screen was adequate at best.
Well, it just happens that with the latest update of the RDC client (6.0) for Windows XP and Server 2003 that dates back to November, you can now use font smoothing as long as the client PC is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. I just noticed about the change over the last few weeks, so now I’m happily writing this from my laptop running the RDC client connected to my main PC…
Over a LAN it’s not any slower than with Cleartype off, plus it should save some battery on the laptop since I’m not accessing the hard drive or processing stuff on the laptop itself, and my desktop PC is much much faster in the first place.
If you don’t have the latest RDC client installed you can download it here, and enable font smoothing using these instructions:
To enable font smoothing, follow these steps:
1.    Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click Communication, and then click Remote Desktop Connection.
2.    Click Options, click the Experience tab, and then click to select the Font smoothing check box.

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मेरा भारत मेरी शान

अगर आप को अपने देश भारत के बारे में रोचक जानकारी चाहिए तो आप इस वेबसाइट को क्लिक कीजिये ।
यहाँ आप को भारत के बारे में हर जानकारी वो भी हिंदी में मिलेगी ।
यहाँ आप पासपोर्ट की जानकारी से ले के भारत के सविधान तक की जानकारी मिल सकती है।
यहाँ से आप राष्‍ट्रीय गान का विडियो और ऑडियो भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
इस वेबसाइट की कुछ झलकिय.......................

  • भारत ने अपने आखिरी 100000 वर्षों के इतिहास में किसी भी देश पर हमला नहीं किया है।

  • जब कई संस्कृतियों में 5000 साल पहले घुमंतू वनवासी थे, तब भारतीयों ने सिंधु घाटी (सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता) में हड़प्पा संस्कृति की स्थापना की।

  • भारत का अंग्रेजी में नाम ‘इंडिया’ इं‍डस नदी से बना है, जिसके आस पास की घाटी में आरंभिक सभ्‍यताएं निवास करती थी। आर्य पूजकों में इस इंडस नदी को सिंधु कहा।

  • ईरान से आए आक्रमणकारियों ने सिंधु को हिंदु की तरह प्रयोग किया। ‘हिंदुस्तान’ नाम सिंधु और हिंदु का संयोजन है, जो कि हिंदुओं की भूमि के संदर्भ में प्रयुक्त होता है।

  • शतरंज की खोज भारत में की गई थी।

  • बीज गणित, त्रिकोण मिति और कलन का अध्‍ययन भारत में ही आरंभ हुआ था।

  • स्‍थान मूल्‍य प्रणाली’ और ‘दशमलव प्रणाली’ का विकास भारत में 100 बी सी में हुआ था।

  • विश्‍व का प्रथम ग्रेनाइट मंदिर तमिलनाडु के तंजौर में बृहदेश्‍वर मंदिर है। इस मंदिर के शिखर ग्रेनाइट के 80 टन के टुकड़ों से बने हैं। यह भव्‍य मंदिर राजाराज चोल के राज्‍य के दौरान केवल 5 वर्ष की अवधि में (1004 ए डी और 1009 ए डी के दौरान) निर्मित किया गया था।

  • भारत विश्‍व का सबसे बड़ा लोकतंत्र और विश्‍व का सातवां सबसे बड़ा देश तथा प्राचीन सभ्‍यताओं में से एक है।

  • सांप सीढ़ी का खेल तेरहवीं शताब्‍दी में कवि संत ज्ञान देव द्वारा तैयार किया गया था इसे मूल रूप से मोक्षपट कहते थे। इस खेल में सीढियां वरदानों का प्रतिनिधित्‍व करती थीं जबकि सांप अवगुणों को दर्शाते थे। इस खेल को कौडियों तथा पांसे के साथ खेला जाता था। आगे चल कर इस खेल में कई बदलाव किए गए, परन्‍तु इसका अर्थ वहीं रहा अर्थात अच्‍छे काम लोगों को स्‍वर्ग की ओर ले जाते हैं जबकि बुरे काम दोबारा जन्‍म के चक्र में डाल देते हैं।

  • दुनिया का सबसे ऊंचा क्रिकेट का मैदान हिमाचल प्रदेश के चायल नामक स्‍थान पर है। इसे समुद्री सतह से 2444 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर भूमि को समतल बना कर 1893 में तैयार किया गया था।

  • भारत में विश्‍व भर से सबसे अधिक संख्‍या में डाक खाने स्थित हैं।

  • भारतीय रेल देश का सबसे बड़ा नियोक्ता है। यह दस लाख से अधिक लोगों को रोजगार प्रदान करता है।

  • विश्‍व का सबसे प्रथम विश्‍वविद्यालय 700 बी सी में तक्षशिला में स्‍थापित किया गया था। इसमें 60 से अधिक विषयों में 10,500 से अधिक छात्र दुनियाभर से आकर अध्‍ययन करते थे। नालंदा विश्‍वविद्यालय चौथी शताब्‍दी में स्‍थापित किया गया था जो शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में प्राचीन भारत की महानतम उपलब्धियों में से एक है।

  • आयुर्वेद मानव जाति के लिए ज्ञात सबसे आरंभिक चिकित्‍सा शाखा है। शाखा विज्ञान के जनक माने जाने वाले चरक में 2500 वर्ष पहले आयुर्वेद का समेकन किया था।

  • भारत 17वीं शताब्‍दी के आरंभ तक ब्रिटिश राज्‍य आने से पहले सबसे सम्‍पन्‍न देश था। क्रिस्‍टोफर कोलम्‍बस भारत की सम्‍पन्‍नता से आकर्षित हो कर भारत आने का समुद्री मार्ग खोजने चला और उसने गलती से अमेरिका को खोज लिया।

  • नौवहन की कला और नौवहन का जन्‍म 6000 वर्ष पहले सिंध नदी में हुआ था। दुनिया का सबसे पहला नौवहन संस्‍कृ‍त शब्‍द नव गति से उत्‍पन्‍न हुआ है। शब्‍द नौ सेना भी संस्‍कृत शब्‍द नोउ से हुआ।

  • भास्‍कराचार्य ने खगोल शास्‍त्र के कई सौ साल पहले पृथ्‍वी द्वारा सूर्य के चारों ओर चक्‍कर लगाने में लगने वाले सही समय की गणना की थी। उनकी गणना के अनुसार सूर्य की परिक्रमा में पृथ्‍वी को 365.258756484 दिन का समय लगता है।

  • भारतीय गणितज्ञ बुधायन द्वारा ‘पाई’ का मूल्‍य ज्ञात किया गया था और उन्‍होंने जिस संकल्‍पना को समझाया उसे पाइथागोरस का प्रमेय करते हैं। उन्‍होंने इसकी खोज छठवीं शताब्‍दी में की, जो यूरोपीय गणितज्ञों से काफी पहले की गई थी।

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